Storing food in freezer is an art only few house chefs excel at. Improper storage of food can lead to food contamination & bacterial growth in your freezer compartment. It is said that half of the food borne diseases spread due to consuming food that had been improperly stored. Tossing out leftovers is not only the wastage of resources but utterly disgraceful that needs to be stopped. Choosing right Tupperware containers & acting upon ingenious food storage tips will transform your designation from an ordinary house chef to “Queen of the Home”.
Also Read : [How to store different food items from cake, pies, turkey to cooked and raw vegetables & fruits. ]
Key to Storing Food Properly is Right Tupperware Containers
Okay, so you had a large family gathering last night where you showed your expertise serving the gourmet food. The only thing that stays over a house chef nerves is “storing the leftovers” while the guests enjoy the bon appetit. Little do they know that with right Tupperware containers; they can prolong the life of their exquisitely tasty food. Though some women prefer glass containers, Tupperware containers may be more economical & safe to use particularly in a home with toddlers.
Tupperware Containers: Square Mates vs Round
Tupperware containers are available in an assortment of sizes however the most user-friendly are those in square and rectangular sizes. Square containers take up to 25% less space than round containers hence they are great to maximize the storage space for small freezers. Freezer mates by Tupperware containers allow easy identification through clear windows. Easy handling is further made sure by snap on lids and easy-grip tabs. Since they are stackable with recessed bottoms they allow food to freeze fast and thaw fast.
Tips to Storing Food in Fridge
Tupperware containers offer various storage mates to meet your refrigerator needs. Refrigerator storage boxes come with a unique vent system that circulates air to prevent vegetables rot prematurely. Keep your fruits & vegetables stored in separate covered containers since some fruits emit gases that triggers decomposition in vegetables faster than expected.
Food stored in refrigerator is good to consume within 3 days. Keep them stored in covered containers to prevent odors.
Tips to Storing Food in Freezer
If you are up to freezing cooked food, make sure you do it soon after 2-3 hours of being cooked. Frozen food when stored properly is good up to 3 months. Keep meat and cooked gravies on the lower rack of your freezer to prevent the juices from the meat leaking down.
Make sure to bring the food at room temperature before you stack it on the containers in freezer. Otherwise, heat from the food will be trapped leading to food spoilage.
Also Read:[ How to store leftover Pizza?]
Don’t store fruits & vegetables in their own plastic bags. These unhygienic poly bags speedup decay. Tupperware containers are considered the handiest as they can be accommodated easily in your vegetables & fruit drawers. They also make excellent containers to start living an organized life. A disorganized messy freezer leads to unavoidable contamination & odors that stink. However, if your kitchen cabinets expect avalanche of Tupperware containers, you might need to purge. Only invest in the most essential type of containers & organize them cleverly to help yourself spot on the desired container immediately, the next time you need to grab one!